Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Upperdates #1

- I finally got my adsense account working XD After opening a bank account> then taking like 3 weeks to figure out my bank account online and actually verify my paypal account> trying to open a an adsense account and a blog but in turn deleteing my OLD youtube channel> restarting my youtube channel AND blog and email> and finally getting my adsense account to actually work. And now I can finally focus completely on making better youtube videos and starting my online shop XD after alll this internet chaos. lol. But luckily I have allot of Amazing friends, subscribers and supporters :)
- Im actually on this blog allot now and I plan on working allot on it. It seems ill be in class an if something pops into my mind ill find something to write with and just write down my thoughts so that I can later post it in this blog :) Yea Allot of ranting goes through my mind but...its probably amusing XD Allot of creativity gets lost in my head so its just better I get in the habit of writing things down.
- Im RE trying to learn japanese. Because my first attempt was back in 7th grade and I ended up only being able to learn a little bit form this computer program my mum got me a while back. I wasnt as computer "savvy" as I am now so im learning allot from a website and ive learned a bit from youtubers so far :) Ive subsrcibed to like 5-6 different people who have either gone abroad to japan during college or one of their summers during highschool or one guy who is from japan and hes going to college over here :) Its really interesting ^ .^
So Ill tell you guys more of what I have planned with all that soon ;)
- Because I can now focus allot more on my online shop im starting to work on clothing designs and stuff for the shop. I have to finish designing the website and just earlier today I was working on the logo for the shop ;D
Some of you may already know what its going to be called. And Ive had allot of ...mmm.. suggestions... from friends but ive honestly already thought of almost everything theyve thrown at me. I really want this to work out and its wish of mine to own a shop clothing line or w/e for a lonng time XD annd I started seriously thinkign about it this past summer. I will also tell you guys more about this in a different post and a video :)
- My dad bought this..."Fusia Asian Trail Mix" from our local Aldis when we went shopping earlier. Its pretty good but I ve had this stuff from our local Wegmans thats even better and its like imported from Japan er somethin. Annd I tried this Naki Mori stuff... err I cant remember if its called that or not. But that stuff is sooooo goooood. Theres dried seaweed around it and its crispy. Its GOUD.
- Of course im still workin on video all the time. but im distracted so easily its ...Bahhh. poop dude.

-Risa Fox <3

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