Friday, February 17, 2012

An interesting start to winter break! Guys making sandwiches for girls? Inside jokes & Hand burn :P

I burned my hand this morning on my hair straightener... wich has nothing to do with anything. I just felt like saying that because I keep playing with the little blister raw skin thats on my knuckle now. I practically grabbed hold of my knuckle with the hair straightener :S it feels like im becoming...okay with being burned XD like bruises are fun to poke :T
My best MALE friend made me a sandwich... girl-boy code Girls are supposed to make boys sandwiches and work in the kitchen.. And my GUY friend made me a sandwich :3 I made him a sandwich for Christmas...wich might seem like a very strange Christmas gift... but I dont exactly have money, So i decided to make him something hes been beg/nagging/asking me to make for a while now. But because im not your "average" girl I dont like to do what guys want me to do XD Plus Aside from the fact I wear allot of makeup and like quite a few girly things... I act and think very much like a guy. But to continue with the sandwich-nesss, He made me a sandwich for Valentines Day :D And he drew cute stuff and inside jokes we have on the back side of the plate and cut the sandwich into a heart was actually a pretty good sandwich :D and im going to hang the plate on my wall O 3O And YES I made him something for Valentines Day C: Like I did last year. Main difference being last year we were on the verge of dating around Valentines Day and now me and Tyler are just Best friends :) <3
I drew him a picture of a desert...with a cactus cowboy asking if he wants Ravioli XD because im Italian and Tyler hates Ravioli and cringes at the mere thought of Ricotta cheese XD but of course thats not all... I drew a picture of my interpretation of "Quazimoto" from hunch back of Notre Dame Also inside joke. One of my many nicknames for Tyler is Quazi XD lonnnng story O .O hes walking along a road in the desert and theres a tumbleweed in the background and a dessert sunset setting behind the words "Happy Valentines Day" and then down at the bottom of the page I drew skeleton "Bo" Wich is yet another inside joke. sortof dirty too XD I have a very lively imagination it seems@_@ and Tyler likes loves Misty from pokemon so I wrote "P.S. Misty couldnt make it but she sends her love ;D <3" Because I dont know how to draw misty without messing up or needing ref. XD
I got home today and...Had an "Apple". Tyler knows what I mean :) Or with my friends Andrew and Paul "Coffee" or with a few other friends "A Pear" ... LOL it was an interesting way to start off my winter break for sure. I probably spent the first hour eating. I had 3 chocolate ship cookies, 1 slice of apple pie, A heap of alfredo pasta, A scoop of Cookie dough, like 3 glasses of milk... and I think im missing something but I cant remember XDD lmfao
And then I tried to nap on the couch. Cuz i just felt sooo chilll. But then my sister and brother had to ruin it by rough housing on the couch wich I HATE under any circumstances. 13 and 10...I would at least think my 13 year old sister would be mature enough not to screw around on the couch =_=
And then the rest of this nights been pretty boring except for getting my how I cut my hair video finally finished.
Im getting tested for ADD soon. or so my mum says. it better be soon. because if I really do have ADD or ADHD and if Ive had it since I was little. Like im starting to believe could be the case. That means they could have tested me sooner and figured it out and maybe gotten me help or medication. All the shit ive gone through for not being able to get homework done... *BIG SIGH* well. Ill talk about that crud later maybe...but for now ive got to go to bed. Its reaaally quite late.
seeya later alligator
-Risa Fox

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