Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mermaid Waves!

How to get mermaid waves! :D how to get beachy wavey hair  O uO With just a hair straightener ^ u^

Friday, February 17, 2012

An interesting start to winter break! Guys making sandwiches for girls? Inside jokes & Hand burn :P

I burned my hand this morning on my hair straightener... wich has nothing to do with anything. I just felt like saying that because I keep playing with the little blister raw skin thats on my knuckle now. I practically grabbed hold of my knuckle with the hair straightener :S it feels like im becoming...okay with being burned XD like bruises are fun to poke :T
My best MALE friend made me a sandwich... Wich...in girl-boy code Girls are supposed to make boys sandwiches and work in the kitchen.. And my GUY friend made me a sandwich :3 I made him a sandwich for Christmas...wich might seem like a very strange Christmas gift... but I dont exactly have money, So i decided to make him something hes been beg/nagging/asking me to make for a while now. But because im not your "average" girl I dont like to do what guys want me to do XD Plus Aside from the fact I wear allot of makeup and like quite a few girly things... I act and think very much like a guy. But to continue with the sandwich-nesss, He made me a sandwich for Valentines Day :D And he drew cute stuff and inside jokes we have on the back side of the plate and cut the sandwich into a heart XD...it was actually a pretty good sandwich :D and im going to hang the plate on my wall O 3O And YES I made him something for Valentines Day C: Like I did last year. Main difference being last year we were on the verge of dating around Valentines Day and now me and Tyler are just Best friends :) <3
I drew him a picture of a desert...with a cactus cowboy asking if he wants Ravioli XD because im Italian and Tyler hates Ravioli and cringes at the mere thought of Ricotta cheese XD but of course thats not all... I drew a picture of my interpretation of "Quazimoto" from hunch back of Notre Dame Also inside joke. One of my many nicknames for Tyler is Quazi XD lonnnng story O .O hes walking along a road in the desert and theres a tumbleweed in the background and a dessert sunset setting behind the words "Happy Valentines Day" and then down at the bottom of the page I drew skeleton "Bo" Wich is yet another inside joke. sortof dirty too XD I have a very lively imagination it seems@_@ and Tyler likes loves Misty from pokemon so I wrote "P.S. Misty couldnt make it but she sends her love ;D <3" Because I dont know how to draw misty without messing up or needing ref. XD
I got home today and...Had an "Apple". Tyler knows what I mean :) Or with my friends Andrew and Paul "Coffee" or with a few other friends "A Pear" ... LOL it was an interesting way to start off my winter break for sure. I probably spent the first hour eating. I had 3 chocolate ship cookies, 1 slice of apple pie, A heap of alfredo pasta, A scoop of Cookie dough, like 3 glasses of milk... and I think im missing something but I cant remember XDD lmfao
And then I tried to nap on the couch. Cuz i just felt sooo chilll. But then my sister and brother had to ruin it by rough housing on the couch wich I HATE under any circumstances. 13 and 10...I would at least think my 13 year old sister would be mature enough not to screw around on the couch =_=
And then the rest of this nights been pretty boring except for getting my how I cut my hair video finally finished.
Im getting tested for ADD soon. or so my mum says. it better be soon. because if I really do have ADD or ADHD and if Ive had it since I was little. Like im starting to believe could be the case. That means they could have tested me sooner and figured it out and maybe gotten me help or medication. All the shit ive gone through for not being able to get homework done... *BIG SIGH* well. Ill talk about that crud later maybe...but for now ive got to go to bed. Its reaaally quite late.
seeya later alligator
-Risa Fox

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Upperdates #1

- I finally got my adsense account working XD After opening a bank account> then taking like 3 weeks to figure out my bank account online and actually verify my paypal account> trying to open a an adsense account and a blog but in turn deleteing my OLD youtube channel> restarting my youtube channel AND blog and email> and finally getting my adsense account to actually work. And now I can finally focus completely on making better youtube videos and starting my online shop XD after alll this internet chaos. lol. But luckily I have allot of Amazing friends, subscribers and supporters :)
- Im actually on this blog allot now and I plan on working allot on it. It seems ill be in class an if something pops into my mind ill find something to write with and just write down my thoughts so that I can later post it in this blog :) Yea Allot of ranting goes through my mind but...its probably amusing XD Allot of creativity gets lost in my head so its just better I get in the habit of writing things down.
- Im RE trying to learn japanese. Because my first attempt was back in 7th grade and I ended up only being able to learn a little bit form this computer program my mum got me a while back. I wasnt as computer "savvy" as I am now so im learning allot from a website and ive learned a bit from youtubers so far :) Ive subsrcibed to like 5-6 different people who have either gone abroad to japan during college or one of their summers during highschool or one guy who is from japan and hes going to college over here :) Its really interesting ^ .^
So Ill tell you guys more of what I have planned with all that soon ;)
- Because I can now focus allot more on my online shop im starting to work on clothing designs and stuff for the shop. I have to finish designing the website and just earlier today I was working on the logo for the shop ;D
Some of you may already know what its going to be called. And Ive had allot of ...mmm.. suggestions... from friends but ive honestly already thought of almost everything theyve thrown at me. I really want this to work out and its wish of mine to own a shop clothing line or w/e for a lonng time XD annd I started seriously thinkign about it this past summer. I will also tell you guys more about this in a different post and a video :)
- My dad bought this..."Fusia Asian Trail Mix" from our local Aldis when we went shopping earlier. Its pretty good but I ve had this stuff from our local Wegmans thats even better and its like imported from Japan er somethin. Annd I tried this Naki Mori stuff... err I cant remember if its called that or not. But that stuff is sooooo goooood. Theres dried seaweed around it and its crispy. Its GOUD.
- Of course im still workin on video all the time. but im distracted so easily its ...Bahhh. poop dude.

-Risa Fox <3

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Little Cow Cat Momo :3

My cat Momo is such a butt. But shes so cute XD Shes turning a year old soon in a few months :D
Shes got splotches of black and shite fur like a cow does X3 So me and my mom call her a littl bovine XD or I call her "little fuffy cow" yes I say "fuffy" O uO Shes long haired and her hair is really thin so it makes her fur UBER soft o 3o and I just want to nestle my head into her tummy XD But shes still really playful and we havent been able to get her declawed yet because of her age so sometimes if I try to do so or cuddle her shell play attack me O_O and I dont need my face clawed to bits!
Originally we got her for my sister > ,> And she was only a few weeks old at the time because my sisters friend had a stray momma cat in her garage and there were a bunch of kittens. So she told Bri (my sister) that she could have on for her birthday. So we ended up getting little Momo out of all the kittens. They were all hiding in the garage so it was like luck of the draw XD wichever one came out first that we could catch was the one we would keep X) And so we brought home the little bandit that is Momo :D
Shes a Fuffy little she beast coz bandit. We have SO many nicknames for her its crazy o .o If I remember correctly I was the one who came up with her name. (but my sister will say it was her %50 of the time because its "her" cat) I like coming up with names for things and im generally pretty good at it... mostly when it comes to pets :) (And this is the reason why IIII came up with it and not Bri) I came up with Momo because For one she looked like a cow. But calling her Moomoo or Moo would have been too cliche for me and would have been waaayy to obvious :S And then I chose the perfect name Momo because her eyes reminded me of the character Momo from Avater The Last Airbender. The main character, Aing's lemur creature pet Momo has eyes extremely similiar to our Momo and seeing her eyes IMMEDIATELY reminded me of Momo, Aing's Lemur.(can you tell I like Avatar The Last Airbender Allot?) And Momo fit perfectly. It was like Moomoo but without the cliche, obviousness and the whole eye similiarity made it catch on well to :)
She looks like a bandit because the area around her eyes, nose and forehead is black but her "cheeks" are white and then her chin is black again. So it looks like shes wearing a bandit mask XD Plus shes very mischievous C:< She acts allot like her "mother" my sister. And our other cat, Chloe, acts allot more like me and Chloe is older too :)
Im a cat person and it seems cats naturally tend to like me o .o But im cool with that X) Cuz I love cats and will probably be a crazy cat lady someday throwing baby doll heads at people from my front lawn and gypsy dancing all the time XD

Though Im a Fox I was once known as Mittenz the Kitten ;)
 - Risa Isa Fox >;D


My Photography class is finally taking digital photographs. Im sitting here smh and mentally facepalming.
About 70-80% of all the photographs are overedited. Contrast way too high. They go over kill on saturation of all the colors. Color OVERLOAD. Its like they think "Oh Because I have the tools Ill use all of them". Just because they are there doesnt mean you should use them. If you seriously think that picture looks better with the contrast raised all the way and every color changed to some absurd, unplanned, color that doesnt contrast well or create a good color scheme with any of the other colors your blind! Just because you take a picture with a high priced camera does not make you a photographer. Much less a good one.

Ill re edit this post and include my own photos once I save my unedited and final images onto a flash. I think that others should be the judge of my photography not me. One of my friends was telling me about a girl in his class who was extremely conceited about her work and told others what to do...But her photographs well... sucked. And this specific friend is someone I can trust on this. :)

Things Im sortof obsessed with(Will probably be added to)

Things I Have "obsessions" For.
note: all these things im basically obsessed with but because I only have one brain can only focus on one thing at a time XD And some of these are not "obvious" obsessions...others make themselves more apparent. I will try to post about at least once separately from this post :) to...explain why and... stuff... . . Also this is in no real order...And I will probably add to it because though im obsessed im a forgetful person :S

Anything Skeletal  organic structures/drawings/art (organic skeletal structures means animals and organisms NOT BUILDINGS)
Victorian Houses
Victorian Clothing
Colorful hair
Body Modifications/Tattoo Art
Music (Ehmmm a whole freaking lot)
Almost All Alternative Styles
Making Youtube Videos/Watching Youtube Videos
Photography(Wether Im good or not you be the judge)
Skeleton Keys
The 80's
Allot of Arcade Games
Sonic The Hedgehog
Gypsy Dancing
Leaves and Organic Green Things
Grotesque Things/Gore
Making my own clothing and jewelery
Starting my own online shop/business

I have a feeling ive left some stuff out by accident but ill come back to it :D

-Risa Fox


Newest video! Uploading tutorials soon :D

-Risa Fox <3

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Green and purple hair. Bros

Green and purple hair. And a small portion of my kandi :P
In lunch at school a while ago... Tylers behind me XD

Hipsters, And Tumblr, and Bears, OH MY!

Im on tumblr at least once a day. Though I dont really consider it a real blog. Its really just full of people RE Blogging other peoples work. But I will say I do find quite allot of amusement in peoples reblogged pictures and posts.
I hear that hipsters use tumblr more than any other social network. But tumblr has become very mainstream. And hipsters are supposedly the opposite of mainstream if Im correct. Soo... They are now walking contradictions? Ay?
Actually. On accident I called tumblr's Dashboard a Newsfeed and some stupid hipster wannabe bitch corrected me on facebook XD Seriously? Why does it matter? Sorry im not some tumblr obsessed child. "Dashboard. It's called the dashboard, not the 'tumblr newsfeed' >_>"  Roflmfao She has a tumblr. She reminds me of a self absorbed self proclaimed "starving artist"..
But hey... wait a minute. Isnt everyone a "starving artist" these days? All the "hipsters" out there seem to be XD Or so they act. 
It is nearly impossible to do something somebody else hasn't already done in todays society. I dont understand why some people try to act like everything they do hasn't already been done or they did it before it was "cool" or "trending".  Specially when they obviously have no actual creativity. Or skill. Or talent. Im not telling people not to try. its just.. face reality I geuss. Now im going on sounding like a bitch but im really just being realistic. Since when have reality and "bitchy-ness" become one in the same?
Society is too complicated for my liking = .=

These memes made me laugh. Found 'em on tumblr actually. 

Stereotypes ay? ;D XD lmfao I wonder wich one im considered sometimes....*pencils in one of a girl wearing a fox tail and an assortment of different alternative clothing dancing like a gypsy*
also Ive never seen a "Swag Asian" before... only lolitas, fairy keis, and the sort...these asians with so called swag sound ghetto XD Interesting...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Paper Swans :D

I tried learning some origami back in like 7th grade...

This is where you probably expect me to say I failed at it.
But no. I did fine. And I taught myself :P

So whenever I get realllyy bored and have paper but no writing utensil I make paper swans XD
I dont think iv ever been able to make more than 3 at a time.mostly because i get bored of it at least by the 2nd swan ...or I get distracted = .=
Ive wanted to make a paper swan "mobile" thinger jig
*gets distracted by tumblr for like half an hour and comes back "ohhhh...oops. gotta finish this XD"
I want to hang a mobile of paper swans from my ceiling O uO
I read aabout this myth they have in japan, where if you make 1,000 paper swans you get one wish. It was really sad though :S The article was in part about a girl like 20 years ago+ who had cancer and she wazs in the hospital for a very long time and wanted to get better. So she started making all these paper swans whenever she wasnt too tired or sick. she was somewhere towards her 800-900th swan when she died :'(
I think it would be so cool to make 1,000 swans... *wips out on screen calculator( so I really didnt wip anything out > .>) So say I wanted to make 1,000 in HALF a year. soo thats about 182 days. I would have to make about 5 swans every day for 182 days O_O  or if I were to make 1000 in one year id have to make 2-3 everyday O~O But with my attention span I would probably never be able to achieve that :(
I DO still want to make the mobile thought. And Im planning on also making a bunch of little spinny top things... hard to explain XD paint them in UV paint and hang those from the ceiling at my dads..

Found on tumblr and reminded me of my idea C:
I think these are so pretty :)) But I would hang more XD 

Ive got like a kajillion starburst wrappers saved with all my craft stuff! Somehow I knew I would find a use for them O 3O > u<

Ive made some this small...  O .O I might try this :) Itd be really cute for an idea I have :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Time for change. New youtube channel... and possibly scripting?

So. (Warning im probably going to start allot of entries with "So" Lol)
With the begininng of a new youtube channel I may start some new things. I want to make this new channel better than the last. And I want all of you to get to know me better :) And I want to get to know my subscribers better to :)) On my last channel I wanted to post more videos of me and my friends more often, but complications with my camera led me to not being able to record much in public XD Ive been borrowing my besty/mommy's charger for a while now...so ive been able to get allot of video of allot of things like friends and going places :) :P So Im going to edit them as fast as possiburr and upload them :)
Allot of my videos im going to be making are going to be of many of the things I do in my spare time and that im interested in :P Annd Im interested in ALLOT. hard to explain really XD I want you guys to get to know me better like I said before and to know me better I want you to see some of the sturf I do.
I also wanted to put dance videos up on my old channel... I MAY or MAY NOT do this. im stilll deciding = .=
I ALSO REAALLLY wanted to put up editing videos for GIMP and Photoshop. But I never got around to doing any :S But im going to make one tonight when I create my new timeline/blog cover ;) So you guys will hopefully get to see how I do that ^_^
Im a pretty crafty-artsy-creative-individual so im planning on making video how-tos  on things other than makeup. ive been wanting to make a "How to make dreads out of yarn" type of video for a LONGGGG ARSE time now. but I lost my yarn XD so Ill find that tonight if possible :s
I had also wanted to post skits... or music videos... they are allllloot harder and more time consuming than other videos I have made. Buut they are worth it. So I may post videos of that vari-etay.
One of my changes other than subject matter is that If I possibly can I will be writing blog entries on my blog before a video. Kindof like a script.. So actually what im doing right this moment is reading off of a blog entry I posted to my blog. SO if this turns into a video you can go to my blog and read what ive said in the video :D Its so I dont go off on so many tangents :S XD because if you knew me before and watched my old videos I got off on ALLOT of tangents O_O lol  my attention span is that of a dead squirrel at times XD err most of the time > ,> lawl
So im testing this whole"scripting" idea out to see how I like it. And how good the video comes out.
I shall see you guys soon :D
Lurf and fox kisses <3
- Risa Fox

I hate forgetting ideas = .=

I was on youtube or facebook or something last night... And I saw someone that pissed me off. But I dont remember what it was about exactly D: Its killing me XS Do you ever have moments where you have like the best idea EVAR! and you tell yourself " OH I WILL NOT FORGET THEES SHIIT! REMEMBER THIS BRAIN!" And then its like when you have the chance to act on that idea your brain forgets it on purpose just to spite you!
So Ive devised this new plan. And I think it will work :33 err I hope it will XD
Because I come up with allot of ideas... very very often and allot of the time im in bed sitting on my laptop or im  going to sleep just thinking in my empty skull about all the possibilities of life.... Im going to tape a piece of paper to the wall beside my bed at both my mums and dads houses. And on that paper I shall write if I get an idea :))
I still cant remember what was pissing me off and what I wanted to make a rant video on last night = .=
But ehh hopefully Ill remember while im nomming on some McDs for dinner XD
-Risa Fox

Graphic designing..Oh Gee.

So though I am only 16. I know Allooot about photoshop.. and GIMP. 
I had to start off using GIMP for photo editing and digital art. because of course photoshop Cs5 is something like $200 last I checked XP  and GIMP is free ;D GIMP is okay. you get your moneys worth... and more when you think about it considering it IS freeeee. It really pales in comparison to Photoshop as far as allll the different tools and thingers that come with photoshop But its perfect for beginners to editing and art I think O .O Im stilll Finding different things on photoshop I didnt know where there. And I took a year course in computer graphics learning all about how to use the photoshop O_O Im SOOO glad I was able to get my hands on photoshop. Or else...Idk XD I wouldnt be as good as I am now I geuss.. XD I geuss im good at digital retouching, graphic art and the like considering my age and experience so far :S Idk... Im naturally artistic and creative... and having a pentablet for drawing on the computer has all helped me allot. But when I got my laptop back in june for my birthday I didnt have photoshop and I had lost the software some how to my pentablet. So since then all editing ive done has been using the stupid scroll pad on my laptop LOL and on desperate occasions when Im absolutely bored out of my gourd will I try to use my pentablet on this...wich doesnt work too well because I dont have the software so it doesnt format to the screen and everything becomes allot more difficult :T 
I want to post some of my work so far. Then you guys can see how good I actually am instead of me just sitting here saying how good I might be. You guys be the judge. 
Annd I just remembered I was going to pst most of this to deviantArt a while ago XD ill do it when I have some time = .= lol
Facebook Timeline Cover Edits Made on Request C:
~Dakota Dacnomania~
                                                                       ~Lexi Bish~
                                                                        Myself ;)

Im currently working on an edit for the bootiful Julia M. <3 Annd I have to make a new one for myself since my youtube channel was deleted DX lawl my hairs red and blonde now anyways :T 

Monday, February 6, 2012

My Youtube Channel was deleted :'C *cries

Super angry face panda ... or something of that sort.
My youtube channel of 2+ years was deleted. I cried. I cant even begin to explain how much effort and time i put into the channel. I had 130,000+ video views and 1,250+ subscribers. This seriously has to happen to me? After all this work? All the amazing people Ive met through my channel. And the friends Ive made. Im so glad I was able to meet them.
Ive made a new channel. Getting it up to the old subscriber count that I used to have will not be easy. Yea I have some loyal subscribers that will come looking for me. But they arent all of them so this will not be easy. But I am so so so glad I do have them. They really are the ones that matter to me :) <3
My blog that I had had for about a week was deleted too with the deletion of my channel and email account. Curse you GMAIL for linking accounts and deleting everything with the email!
It feels like ive lost a piece of who I am. Lost memories of things Ive done. Like the videos Ive made that are now forever gone in the internet abyss :'( Like "Princess Leia's Ass > u> and Cami Spitting and many other videos I no longer have for various reasons. Some of my videos were pieces of artwork to me. In a sense.  and now they are gone forever. So for me to cry over this was not like crying over spilt milk. It felt like experiencing a death. And thinking about it now hurts.
Thinking about a "Plan of action" after this happened led me to think that this may be a good fresh start. I hadnt liked what I had named my original account anyways :S AxReASoNxToxScReAM ( all those stupid "x"s were because youtube deosnt let you use spaces and I used upper and lowercase because at the time I thought that it looked cooler than axreasonxtoxscream) I stll go by a reason to scream though. Just not as often as Risa Fox. So now this is a new start... almost like a "New Year".
I hop to make this new channel far better. And eventually get far more subscribers and views than on my last channel.
I hate feeling like I have nothing to prove for myself now though. My youtube was basically my passion in life.
RIP: AxReASoNxToxScReAM :S I will miss you <3
-Risa Fox