Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Makin galaxy shorts? AP SHOP UPDATE

So I might start making galaxy shorts. I made my own pastel galaxy shorts and they turned out awesome in my opinion. So one of my lovely friends from school thinks I should make/sell custom galaxy shorts. 
pics of how they turned out ;*

If you like them and have a tumblr feel free to reblog or like my original post on tumblr about them <3

so What Ill do is post these pictures on my storenvy shop Alternative Pudding and then Ill have people order the shorts, and in the "note to seller" thing they have the option of writing in They have to give me their shorts size(so I can buy the shorts) wich leg they want the galaxy to be painted on, Ill make an option thatll let them choose to have me paint just one leg on the front or one leg on the front and one side on the butt pocket area. And then 3 colors to choose from. Cuz whats the fun if you cant choose the colors you want right? I have all the colors of the rainbow in acrylic paints I just need more black i think...
But yes...Ill think up everything I need for them to include.
Itll be the type of order that you have to preorder and then ill ship out on a certain day I think. So all orders made within  like a 2-3 week timeframe will get shipped out on a certain day and then so on and so forth. Cuz I need time after theyve ordered to go and buy/or order their size in black shorts...
and I have to come up with some form of return policy...just in case.


gonna go check my tumblr to see how the post is doing o__o

Im also making galaxy bows soon but theyll just be premade so no big deal. Ive already made the prototype actually.
Then I have some other cute ideas for hair accessories :D But no one can know yet ;3

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