Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Going to make a wishlist sort of thing.

Ill make a wishlist to motivate me to get a job/make money/work on stuff for my shop.
omfg...itll have so much stuff on it though... and id probably need multiple lists...specially with my strange style preferences considering I like so many styles.
Ill just make it a page here on my Blog so itll be easy to access/edit :s
I think...Yea...then I can put pictures...
And then some of you guys who see my blog can see cool things to wear and maybe get inspired or decide to buy them or things that are similiar yourself :D
Going to get started...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

New face wash. Oil Control!

so I got a new face wash ^___^
Neutrogena's Daily Scrub from their "Deep Clean" Line :D
Ive already owned/own 2 other face products from Neutrogena's Deep Clean line and I saw this when I was going to pick up a new bottle after Id run out of face wash at my Fathers.

I have problems with my nose and like t-zone area getting oily/shiny easily so I thought it might be a good idea to try this out. I get really annoyed having to reapply face powder 2-4 times during my day :c So Im hoping this works to control some of my oily-ness :T I like having a face wash with the little scrubbing beads in it because it helps get rid of all my icky old makeup and dead skin. But I also have a non scrub face wash to be able to change things up. Ill make a post/review about it tomorrow on e I get home from school <3 

So Im really hoping this works cuz of my face being annoying XD
It has rice protein in it which is supposed to help soak up oil and control shiny-ness. Ive heard of face powder having rice protein in it before and If I can find one that isnt too expensive I may try that out as well. Or ill switch to the brand my mom uses because upon borrowing it in makeup emergencys before Ive noticed it soaks up a good bit of oil and has good coverage though its just a face powder.
So after a good amount of time using this face wash I will make a review on it and what has happened to my face while using it and such :o
Mind you I use this plus the normal cream face wash at my dads, and then a different face scrub from Neutrogena and the same cream face wash at my moms. To switch things up. Your face can get used to what products you use and then they dont work as well so sometimes it works nicely that im split between my parents 50/50 :)
In the meantime Im going to make a review for both of the other face washes I use!
Annd I have some other posts planned :)
So Love and muffins n .n
Risa Fox

Tumblr's Theme Editor is a Butthole.

Bah. So. Ive been working on my blogs themed for the past like 3 days. Y’know crazy ass complicated tumblr html shit lingo=not fun/not easy/soooo annoying.
So Through a TOOOON of trial and error I figured out most of it. But the site I originally got my theme from, the navigation bar that is provided only holds like 5-6 links .-. and 3 of them are “Home”, “Archive” and “Theme” wich is a load of shit balls for the last one cuz Ive pretty much customized most of the theme myself at this point, and if you follow the link for the theme itll send you to some galaxy looking theme I think, Cuz I changed the background image and added a banner and edited a bunch of other shat. But my big problem is/was besides not being able to add a sidebar for some odd reason(I tried and checked the coding and everything and it just wont work for w/e reason :T) was that because my navigation bar was taken up with the 3 links already set that only gave me 3 that I could make myself. I tried to find where the 3 pre set links were set up in the coding but couldnt find them, not sure why, Im not an expert with html codes or anything but it shouldnt have been that hard to find and fail finding. So im stuck with the 3 preset nav. links and in trying to figure out what to do about the 2 nav links I had left(because for some reason the theme glitches and wont fit all 6 links offered onto the whole bar and sticks one of the links beneath the bar where you cant see it because of the color D:) I have wayyy more links than 2 plus some other stuff. So as a solution I realized earlier today while daydreaming in one of my classes, Im going to make pages and post all my links to one of my pages. I might make an FAQ page or a “Face” page but I havent decided on either yet. 

Annnd my bath water is almost done running so its time for me to go :3 
!!!OH if anyone knows how to get a sidebar into the theme please message me how!!!!! 
So Love and muffins c:

Monday, October 8, 2012

White Makeup? WTH? No. =___=

Im Pale. But Im Not Literally White o__o
So 2 members of my family have literally accused me of wearing white makeup now. Like What. The. Fuck? 
And a kid in my health class asked me the other day if I wear white face makeup. 
after the fact my 2 aunts have seperately accused me of wearing white makeup.
I wear normal skin tone makeup. that matches MY skintone. I dont go out and fucking buy white makeup. Not even the translucent shit stores sell. my face powder, foundation and concealer though from different brands are all called “fair”. 
Like my 2 aunts literally accused me of buying white face makeup from like Party City or something.  I BUY MY MAKEUP FROM WALMART OR RITE AID.
I literally told them “No this is my skin tone. I know how to match makeup to my skin tone.” And they were like but it doesnt match your neck. and im like LOL my neck is even paler then my face though, whut? 
If I tried to match my makeup to my neck Id end up having to like special order wicked ass pale makeup. 

So annoyed right now.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Gonna take a nap....

Sitting on tumblr eating a spoonful of nutella and drinking milk.
Im pretty tired atm actually :T
Like I want to craft or mod some of my clothes or try out a new hair style but im just so... I wanna take a nap.
I think I will.
"Studies show" that if you take a nap for about 20 minutes you will feel rested enough to get up and not feel tired afterwards, but any longer like 40 minutes to an hour+ and Youll just want to stay asleep.
and honestly Ive done it before and It works I think...
So Im going to go find an online alarm clock XD
I find kukuklok works nicely.
Once I wake Ill work on my belt modification ;) And some other stuff :)

Friday, October 5, 2012


~Originally posted on my tumblr~
I did a a school project for the first time in years. Because this year I have to pass every class or I cant graduate. and Im sortof like doubled up and only have like one elective I can take at the end of the year IF I pass all my other classes. 
But yea I did it. and it honestly depressed the fuck out of me. 
reminded me of why I stopped doing school projects. For some reason it gave me anxiety and mood swings and shit and during certain points I wanted to throw things and at other points I wanted to cry or just lay on the carpet in my living room staring at the ceiling. 
I was so frustrated. Trying to concentrate. 
I got it done though.
I got my grading paper thingy back the other day in Health(wich I NEEED to graduate)  and I got a 100% with a little comment that said I did an outstanding job on it .-.
Why does this depress me?
Is it because I was too umotivated all these past years to try? And knowing now I could in fact done it? 
That half the time Ive been too depressed or distracted or forgetful to even attempt to do homework these past years?
Im genuinely trying this year. And Im so stressed I think im losing more hair then I normally do. Though this is the healthiest my hair has been in a while. not that it wasnt healthy before, just I havent used heat styling on my hair as much as in past years. And I dont really have split ends atm. So there is no reason for my hair  to be falling out because of physical health reasons except for stress.
I think im actually making myself sick. physically and mentally. Ive felt sick yet again the past 2 days. and unmotivated to try and look nice at school. and all I want to do is sleep. Yesterday I couldnt close my eyes for a 2 seconds without accidentally falling asleep. That went on the whole day. yet I had gotten my normal amount of sleep the night before.
I just…
I hope the rest of my school year wont end up like this. I cant go on like this. I need to pass. I WANT to graduate on time.
But my moods have been so effed up lately.
I need to talk to my psychologist about this. 
I wont stop trying in school. but .-.
Im so unhappy right now.
Sorry for the depressing post.
This was kindof meant to be way shorter and for my blogger blog…
but oh well. 
If you read this whole thing thanks for caring to even read it~
I just need to vent really badly. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Makin galaxy shorts? AP SHOP UPDATE

So I might start making galaxy shorts. I made my own pastel galaxy shorts and they turned out awesome in my opinion. So one of my lovely friends from school thinks I should make/sell custom galaxy shorts. 
pics of how they turned out ;*

If you like them and have a tumblr feel free to reblog or like my original post on tumblr about them <3

so What Ill do is post these pictures on my storenvy shop Alternative Pudding and then Ill have people order the shorts, and in the "note to seller" thing they have the option of writing in They have to give me their shorts size(so I can buy the shorts) wich leg they want the galaxy to be painted on, Ill make an option thatll let them choose to have me paint just one leg on the front or one leg on the front and one side on the butt pocket area. And then 3 colors to choose from. Cuz whats the fun if you cant choose the colors you want right? I have all the colors of the rainbow in acrylic paints I just need more black i think...
But yes...Ill think up everything I need for them to include.
Itll be the type of order that you have to preorder and then ill ship out on a certain day I think. So all orders made within  like a 2-3 week timeframe will get shipped out on a certain day and then so on and so forth. Cuz I need time after theyve ordered to go and buy/or order their size in black shorts...
and I have to come up with some form of return policy...just in case.


gonna go check my tumblr to see how the post is doing o__o

Im also making galaxy bows soon but theyll just be premade so no big deal. Ive already made the prototype actually.
Then I have some other cute ideas for hair accessories :D But no one can know yet ;3

6 followers OH HO HO HO! Ostrich farm???

LOL I like the number 6.
its a good number right? Yea well I like it... So... Yea XD
So Im glad you're all following my blog ;3 <3
And just for that ill post a picture for you guys... of...
something I saw on tumblr XD

and yea XD
When I restarted my youtube channel I was keeping track on my youtubes about me section how many subscribers I had at what time. So each time I hit a new goal Id put a date next to it....But youtube deleted that section without warning on alll youtube channels. Right after they decided to give all the channels a super boring makover =___=
But ay.
Cant fix it now. Youtube doesnt listen. And I know allot of people were complaining.
So I want to record how many followers I get on tumblr and here on my Blogger Blog :D
Ill record it here.
If youve not yet checked out my tumblr blog you might want to if you are into pastel things and the fashion that is now called "pastel goth" or anything kawaii. I also occasionally blog things that I relate to or if it is Lilo and Stitch related...or avengers related XD those are my weaknesses when it comes to breaking my tumblr blogs unspoken theme.
My tumblr~

pertaining to the picture I posted above.... That I JUST thought of. But somehow didnt think of before the fact I put the picture in...
doesnt have a ton to do with me. BUT
My cousins used to run an ostrich farm. Yes and Ostrich farm.
In central NY. lol right?
Idek how. But. It does seem pretty cool. It was really close to their house. they dont have it anymore. Im not sure what happened. My aunt got a divorce and maybe thats when it ended...
All my cousins on my dads side are either much older than me in their middle to last years of college and/or already have families/babies OR are like... younger than 10...I have allot of cousins.
Thats what happens when your Grandparents have 6 children, all of wich decide to have ze babies ;3


But yes ostrich farming. Lots of cousins. NO we are no weres even close to hill billys or hicks.
lol. wont even get into that.

but interesting post? random enough Id say > ,>
lawll X) Ill see you guys next post. Wich should be in like... after I post this...
bai ;)

ps. I got my braces tightened! And I had them put on colored bands instead of white ones this time!