Saturday, March 31, 2012

I want a new fox tail. Mmm Fair kei * .*

Hoping to save up enough money to buy 2 new tails this next state fair. I realize I have allot of time... Im just. Nyaaa. over thinking again. as usual =~= 
*older pictures of me with my old tails First black one is broken in 2 places now aand the second newer one that looks like a coon tail slightly but is a fox tail was stolen...Great right? >:T *sad face :'c

I just found my new favorite fairy kei/lolita-esque tumblr blog. (/^ o^)/ ...
And im now following her blog too :3 lol X3
I also found a picture post that featured princesse pudding.                                    ^^^
Wich was amusing to me ..shes so gorgeous * o*...she reminds me of... cyber, fairy kei and sweet lolita all at once...part of the reason the post amused me.. I dont think you can classify her really. I used to be subscribed to her youtube before my old channel was deleted *goes and looks for her channel again* XD


  1. I would help with the tail thing.....but i like to be paid back in active friendship, a model, or money : p....and i won't go above fifty for the other too. a no form you.....but I am being silly.

  2. I feel like its my fault that the other one got stolen...D;
    I'll donate to the fund...? :3

  3. *o* Look at that nose! <3
